Amitabha – The Buddha Of Light

Amitabha. This gilded altar figure fascinates me. It seems alive to me – in deep meditation. When I sit in front of it, it almost automatically puts me in this special state. Amitabha is the Buddha of limitless light. He makes all darkness, darkening and all obstacles disappear.



This gilded figure fascinates me. It seems alive to me – in deep meditation. When I sit in front of it, it almost automatically puts me in this special state. It is an altar figure that originally comes from Mongolia and represents Amitabha. An incredible number of helpful positive qualities are attributed to him. There are Buddhists who rely on him alone and do no other practice than to invoke him.

The Attributs of Amitabha

Perhaps its most prominent feature is light. Amitabha is the immeasurably radiant, the Buddha of boundless infinite light. This light is so immeasurable that it goes beyond our imagination. This light penetrates everything, makes everything visible, it is so bright that it reveals all darkness and all obstacles and makes them disappear and thus purifies everything and that constantly and incessantly. It is said that at the innermost core, the nature of our own mind is boundlessly radiant, clear light. Amitabha embodies this quality of our own ultimate nature.

Amitabha is the blessing of all Buddhas and he is also worshipped as the Buddha of all-encompassing love and compassion because he works for the enlightenment of all beings. The incredible energy of his active compassion sets his body in red glow.

Amitābha is also the embodiment of precisely discriminating perception and wisdom. In this way, he recognizes and understands the individual needs of each being. His mind is not clouded by concepts, by superficial logic or by everyday ideas. He sees through the true background.

The Buddha Amitabha has left the cycle of existences. He exists outside of time and space and all the limitations of conceptual thinking. Because of his immeasurably long lifespan, he is also the Buddha of limitless life. Through his blessing, he helps people to live a long and helpful life.

He lives in the tranquility of deepest meditation.

He rules on a different plane of existence in the pure land of Sukavati, but has the opportunity to influence our world and help us directly. Sukavati is the paradise that is easiest for people to reach. A thought and the deep desire to be reborn there after death would be enough to get there.

His attributes

Amitabha is adorned with the royal jewelry and quintuple crown of a world ruler and a flaming jewel on the topknot, and he wears a pleated robe around his hips and a flowing ribbon in the green color of compassion around his otherwise naked torso. The essence of infinite life is symbolized by a golden vessel that he holds in his lap. It contains the nectar of eternal life, an elixir of purification and transformation, of return and permanence. His face radiates deep calm. He dwells in deep meditation with half-closed eyes. He is enthroned on an open lotus, the symbol of purity, wisdom and clear consciousness.

Practice with Amitabha

I can imagine that his body glows red and emits incredible tremendous light. This light puts everyone it encounters into immeasurable joy. Through a practice and meditation with the Buddha Amitabha, favorable circumstances are created, especially for physical and mental health and vitality and for a long life. His mantra calls him.

I can only call on his name and imagine that everything will turn out well:


If it is specifically about a long life, my own or someone else’s, then the following mantra is appropriate:


The names Amitayus and Amitabha are often used interchangeably. Amitayus can be seen as an emanation of Amitabha. They are the same entity at different levels of existence. Some also call him Amida.


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