On this page you will find mindfillness quotes. By this I mean short texts – memories, observations, encounters, moods, notes – everything that encourages you to pause, think and meditate.


In Space

Meditation is mind suspended in space nowhere.“

(Sogyal Rinpoche)


It does not matter if you are a rose or a lotus or a marigold. What matters is that you are flowering.“


Where you are

If you cannot find the truth right where you are – where else do you expect to find it?“


Beyond thoughts and emotions

Our mind is more than thoughts and emotions – just as a room is not the furniture and pictures in it. Meditation is about our mind beyond thoughts and emotions.


Even the word “vastness” puts me in a meditative state. Imagine you’re standing on the edge of the sea. You look up to the horizon and know that even there the sea has no limit. Such is meditation. Wide and spacious.


Meditation does not mean freeze – being enveloped in stillness and immersed. A good state of meditation is alive and kicking. Alive doesn’t mean that I hop and jump. I can also be alive in silence. It’s about waking up and being awake.


“Anyone who looks for miracles elsewhere has not understood that everything is a miracle.”

(after Abraham Maslow)


I need concepts in order to be able to exist in this normal world of ours. They give me an idea of what the world is like. But they also prevent me from seeing the world as it really is in its essence.


Devotion goes beyond trust. I give up my mistrust and assume that the person or whoever or whatever I trust is worthy of this trust and that I can rely on him. Surrender is opening up and letting go.

What you can do

“First you have to do everything you can do, and then you have to learn to do nothing. The non-doing is the greatest action, and the effort of effortlessness is the greatest effort.”



Only when there is a distance between me and my thoughts can I perceive a thought – almost like an object outside of me.


It is completely untouched by any ideas or categories, that is, beyond anything that a normal mind can imagine: it is beyond and free of concepts, ideas, or descriptions.

Dissolve into clarity

The mind can become like the clouds. It can completely free himself and ascend and then glide freely like clouds across the sky, bound to nothing and finally dissolve into clarity.

Without judgment

“Let yourself become the space that welcomes every experience without judgment.”

(Tsoknyi Rinpoche)


Sit and put a smile on your lips. Even if you don’t feel like it. Even if you move your mouth accordingly, it will change you. There is a certain ease and cheerfulness.


Even if there is only one truth in the end. I can never be sure of my truth. I have to struggle again and again to keep it fresh and alive.

Do I have emotions or do the emotions have me?


This is perhaps the quintessence: Exploring, taming and shaping my own mind.

Present Moment

The present moment sometimes feels boring. But there is nothing else right now. Meditation is about not distracting myself, not running away, not doing anything special, endure myself. Just being.

We think to much

Calmly, easily, naturally and without effort. We think so much. So much goes through our heads. There are old stories and current concerns. Let things be as they are. At the moment we can’t change anything.

A mountain

Imagine a mountain. There are storms coming. You praise him or you insult him. It doesn’t matter to him at all. He is not angry, not pleased, not desperate. He simply rests in himself. This is how meditation could be at some point.

What do we really need?

What do we really need? We think that without my coffee in the morning, I am not a human being. Or: I couldn’t live without my mobile phone. Or even, I need sneakers that have something like five stripes or an angle hook.


It’s the way it is now. Whether I’m complaining or not. The complaining will not change it. But I can change my attitude. Maybe I can draw strength from the situation, learn something, gain experience.

The moon

The state cannot be described. One can only point in that direction. It’s like a finger pointing at the moon – not the moon itself.

Meditative moments in everyday life

What we call meditation are phases of practice. We get to know a different state of mind. We can then experience this state everywhere – in everyday life, on the tram, when shopping, when looking out of the window.

The gap between two thoughts

Some thought appears and at some point it stops again. Consequently, there must be a gap when one thought has stopped and the other has not yet begun. Meditation happens in this gap.

The Four Seals

Everything that is made up of parts will change.

Everything imperfect is associated with suffering.

There is no thing that has an independent existence.

There is an area beyond concepts.

We’re always busy with something

We’re always busy with something. We are moaning. Or we imagine something that is not. But we consistently avoid being in this moment.

Moments without thoughts

There are always moments when there are no thoughts and therefore no worries. This is our natural state.

Sitting like a queen

The way you sit does something to you and your meditation. Sit very upright and majestic – like a king or queen. There is something of inner greatness, of generosity, of dignity and of natural pride without arrogance.

Everything is obvious

When the ordinary thinking mind is completely at rest, then there is no more obstacle, no more delusion, no distraction. Everything is obvious, unveiled, clearly visible and immediately present.

It’s all just energy

Anger and joy, fear and hope – in the end, they are nothing more than energy. Like the wind and the waves.

Sit in silence

In Japan, they say: Sit in silence. Do nothing. Spring is coming and the grass is growing without me intervening in any way.

Without beginning

It is without beginning and without end. Not created, never born and not impermanent – unchanging.


Effort is itself an activity of the mind and therefore cannot produce stillness of thought. A cramped mind does not allow meditation. Be alert, but not one hundred percent tense. Look at things from a distance.


“Compassion is unconditional.”


Sometimes I forget

“Sometimes I forget

that I’m here for joy.

My mind is too busy,

my heart too heavy.”

(inspired by Hafiz)

Every expectation

Every expectation contains the seeds of disappointment.


Deep inside, our basic state is bliss.


If I want change, I have to act now. The here and now is the only thing I can influence.

Short moments

“Freedom is an endless adventure in which we risk our lives – and much more – for short moments of something that surpasses all words, thoughts and feelings.”

(Carlos Castaneda)

Fully awake

When I am fully awake and yet no serious thoughts determine my mind, then there is no more I, no inside and no outside, no here and no there – only a timeless now.